I'm starting to feel like I'm the world's worst runner. I have my first race since December 2021 in about two weeks, and while it's *only* a half marathon, I'm feeling a bit unprepared. It's definitely low mileage, mediocre-effort training, I'm not even attempting anything near a personal best, and I could completely embarrass myself. But on the bright side, it'll get my feet wet again on the race front, it'll be in the Seattle area (thank you cooler temps), and it's got a net downhill of about 1100 feet. So low mileage be damned....it'll still be a great time!
Greg met up with me on my 12 miler around Lake Union
In the meantime, while I'm in Austin I'm LITERALLY DYING. The heat has been on another level this summer....either that or I'm just a big fat baby now that I spend so much time in the Pacific Northwest and constantly lose all my heat acclimation. After a week in Seattle, I tried running in 80+ degrees this morning. It was pretty freaking pathetic, but 6 miles were done and I feel pretty good about that.
Speaking of races.....
On February 4, I'll be running Marathon #18 in Huntington Beach. I'm equal parts excited and terrified. It means I actually have to take this running thing seriously again. I'm planning to write up a plan as I approach August and recover from the half marathon. It'll be lower mileage than my last few marathons, and I don't have a time goal (YET), and I need to take my nutrition more seriously, and I need to stop being a loser. So basically, it'll be entertaining I'm sure. Maybe I'll even start treating this blog like a running blog again.
I'm trying to convince Greg to become more of a runner again, but he's fighting me on that. A girl can dream, though. I love running with him. He's pretty freaking awesome.
ANYWAY, although my running isn't taking center stage in my life, I have been doing fun things! I've taken quite a few trips to Seattle with Greg over the past few months, and have more coming up....and I'm loving it. I don't love that he has to travel there almost every week, and I'm home in Austin without him way too much, but the times I get to go with him are so special to me. Seattle is just a damn cool city, the weather is phenomenal in the summer, we get to explore a lot (without a car 95% of the time!), and Greg kicks ass at work (as much as one can kick ass at Amazon). We've entertained the idea of buying a place there (almost certainly not going to), we have a whole list of things we still want to do, and are about to renew our apartment lease (eek!).
The view that never gets old |
Just this last week, the kids came out with us for the first time. Brady has never been there, and Dani hadn't been there since we moved into the apartment. A lot of fun was had, a lot of togetherness was had, and I was not ready to come back home to Austin. The dogs missed us, though. And the pool had turned green in our absence so that was neat.
(I think I'm getting closer to being ready to sell my house)
Watched Lake Union fireworks from the rooftop on 4th of July |
San Luis Obispo's Bubblegum Alley came first. Sorry, Seattle. |
Mount Rainier |
In addition to a lot of traveling, we are being crazy concert people as well. We've already seen Duran Duran this year (my first time seeing them in 30 years!), unfortunately Thomas Rhett and Cole Swindell were canceled in Louisiana last month, then we are seeing Bryan Adams in Seattle and Luke Bryan in Nashville next month, and lastly 3 Doors Down in Austin at the end of summer. Basically, we are booking things on a whim and having a great time doing it. And we aren't inviting the kids to any of it because it's way more fun to just date your spouse.
ALSO....MY KIDS GRADUATED!!! My son graduated with his Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with Cum Laude honors from the University of Texas at Tyler in April, and my daughter graduated from high school in May. They both still live at home for now and that's just fine by me! They are pretty awesome dog sitters for when I'm off causing trouble with Greg.
An award for Top Computer Science Student of 2023 |
All the grandparents, too! |
Happy Kid! |
Once Fall comes around, Greg and I are embarking on another journey. We plan to help lead a marriage ministry/class at our church along with several other phenomenal couples. This is going outside our comfort zone but we feel we have something to offer other couples, whether they are really struggling or are just going through a rough patch. Becoming more involved at church has been incredibly important to me for the last year and I'm looking forward to growing as a faith leader.
Speaking of faith, can I just again say how grateful I am for my Christian faith? It has saved my life, my sanity, my family, and my marriage. Surrendering to God is the best thing I've ever done. And I know Greg will agree! It's the foundation for every single thing in our lives.
As the year comes to a close in a few months, fully expect me to be slightly (not just slightly) freaking out over my impending 50th birthday in January. But until then, enjoy a few more pictures of a pretty great 2023.
Birthday #49 |
And Greg's #49 |
Anniversary #24 |
Fishing at Lake Palestine |
Cool Seattle retro sign |
We might be famous |
Can't beat the sunset |
Great Wheel |
Mount Rainier |
First time here! |
Is this what I need? |
Whale watching |
No blog is complete without the dogs |