Thursday, July 9, 2020

20 things I've learned so far in 2020

It's a year like no other. And the lessons that I've learned are countless. Some things I already knew, to a degree, but I guess I could say that this year has further cemented my values.

1. Grace is a powerful virtue. There is very little of it in the world, so it's extra important that we find within ourselves the ability to show grace to both ourselves and to others. It's easier to judge, but grace allows for much better growth and compassion.

2. Freedom can never be taken for granted, not even a little. I have never really taken it for granted as I have always understood the great benefit and blessing of living in America. It's the greatest country in the world. I have never really thought we'd lose our freedom, but it really can be taken away so easily, and it is subtle, and underhanded, "for the greater good," and before we know it, we are no longer America. Don't let that happen.

3. Only keep people around you who deserve your attention. Do they improve your life? If not, and if they don't value you, let them go. You'll be richer for it.

4. We can not grow if we do not allow for differing opinions or perspectives on vital issues. It doesn't mean we have to agree, but it does mean we have to allow for freedom of thought and speech and expression. Tolerance means just that. You allow for all to have a voice. You might learn something new. Or it might cause you to recommit to your convictions, even stronger than before. I have spent the last few months becoming even stronger and bolder in my values, and that's not because I tuned out opposing views.

5. Judgment is toxic. I actually already knew this, but I have never seen it to this degree.

6. Dogs are the greatest creatures on the planet.

7. Most people do not want to hear your opinion. They want to hear THEIR opinion coming out of YOUR mouth. Don't give in to the mob. Opinion discrimination is a thing and I hate it and too many people think it's just fine.

8. Don't compromise your values just to keep the peace. If you piss someone off, but you know what you are saying has value, don't sweat it. They'll live.

9. Loneliness is devastating. We were meant to be social. I'm an introvert, but even I can't handle this isolation for long.

10. Uncertainty wreaks havoc on mental health. I think the uncertainty of our future is the single worst thing to happen to our collective mental health. I know it's the one thing that causes me the most anxiety.

11. I value hugs far more than I ever realized.

12. I am stronger than I ever realized. And I've been through a whole lot of nasty stuff in my life.

13. Bad habits can take root when you aren't paying enough attention. Pay better attention and squelch that shit before it gets too bad.

14. I truly believe that there are far fewer bad things in society than people would have you believe. We are better than the narrative that is being fed to us. Don't follow blindly. Do your own research and form your own informed opinions. You might be surprised at what you learn.

15. I have a lot more gray hair than I ever realized, now that it's been four months since my last hair appointment.

16. We are clearly too far removed from the Cold War to remember the devastation of communism. If you think for even a second that a communist government is good, you may want to dig deeper into your memories. Or talk to someone who escaped from it.

17. I used to think a big house was a burden. It's not a burden during a pandemic. It's how my family is still alive.

18. We actually have far more control over things than we realize. I deactivated my Facebook account so I could better control the toxic information that was flooding my brain. What a relief. Facebook is truly awful right now.

19. I can't be put in a box. I sort of already knew this, but now I REALLY know this.

20. I have strong opinions, strong values, and live by them. I will also die by them. As much as someone wants to shout me down or make me doubt what I believe, I instead choose to die on this hill.

What have you learned?

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