Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Two High Schoolers?!? And a Social Media and Training update

Last night I got to unexpectedly see an old friend as she passed through Austin. She and I have been friends since our sons were babies back in 2002. I hadn't seen her in quite awhile, so it was such a nice surprise when she texted us and we were able to see her.

It made me think about just how many years it's been since we were both new moms, and how it seems so unreal that our babies are now almost adults. She was one of my best friends in the Bay Area before I moved to Texas and we spent a lot of time together. Life back then was just so very different when comparing it to now, with kids who are so much older and more independent and embarking on their senior year of high school, and when she and I are now in our mid 40s instead of freaking out over turning 35.

Look away for just a moment and BAM, you're almost empty nesters.

On another topic, with the school year almost starting up (my daughter starts high school on Thursday, and my son starts his charter school next Monday), I figured that after two months of no social media, I'll venture back into it, albeit reluctantly. I do miss my friends' postings of their lives, adventures, kids, etc. I do not at all miss the negativity and the politics. I absolutely LOATHE the politics. The myopic view that so many people display is just aggravating and immature. I shudder to think of what I'm going to see when I get back on.

But, alas, it will be done. Thankfully, I still do hold the power to remove what I don't want to see or deal with, and that just might mean a cleansing of the friends list. Sorry, not sorry, right?

I've spent the last two months focused on my family and getting things on an even keel and tuning out the noise, and I think I've been successful with that. I even chopped off all my hair. I feel like my kids are ready for school, are ready for the requirements this next year will have for them, and that my family is shifting into our next phase of life. I did it with minimal distractions, and that makes my two month silence totally worth it. I know that in the past, I have been open with the struggles we've had over the years, and while I do want to continue to be open, I also need to balance it with more privacy.

We embarked on another road trip last month and had a fantastic time with our family. My daughter spent extra time solo with her grandparents, and I think that was just what she needed to rejuvenate her soul. We had busy days, days where we played pool while listening to vinyl at my in-law's house (okay, so that was WAY COOL), and days where I spent too much time in Los Angeles traffic, plus Greg and I enjoyed several runs together (although, it was during a SoCal heat wave, while Austin enjoyed record low July temps, so that pretty much pissed me off). Add in some wine tasting and an arts festival, and I'd say we had a great time.

Speaking of running....thank God I have continued to overcome my latest setback and I'm consistently building my running volume as I prepare for marathon #16. The heat of the summer has not been kind to me and I'm not nearly as adapted to it as I was last year. Having to restart my running in June was just damn HARD. But I'm up to 11 miles in my long run and I know my cardiovascular strength is improving. I'm only running in the morning and won't be adding in any afternoon/evenings runs for awhile. It's so much better for me to start my day with exercise rather than think all day about an upcoming evening run. Most of my runs are solo and that's been pretty good for me. A lot of time for focus and reflection and being intentional with each particular run.

I'm currently in week 3 of a 19 week marathon plan, leading up to California International Marathon on December 8. I'm at 33 miles this week, and will slowly build up my volume, with a peak at around 60 miles and more room for stepback weeks. I was in great shape leading up to Boston, but I think I can further tweak my typical training to include a bit more rest before my hardest weeks. Each training cycle teaches me a bit more about what works for me, and I'm eager to see how this newest plan will translate on race day. Boston 2021? That's the goal!

Now cross your fingers I don't regret getting back onto social media.

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